All You Need To Know About the Vibrant Color Psychology behind Web Design

Undeniably, color is a powerful element to influences not only how people feel, but also make their mind to take action. Whether you want to strengthen your brand, or you want to drive more sales, you must learn about the psychology of color to meet your web design targets appropriately.

According to research, lead takes only 90 seconds or less to like or dislike a product. The same research also suggests that the decision is solely based on color. So, if you want to increase brand recognition then you must focus on color psychology. Here is how:


The color red can easily grab the attention of every passerby. Red is the perfect combination of energy, excitement, love, and boldness. With lots of positivity, it has some potentially negative associations including war, violence, fire, anger, and danger.

By using the red color you could easily hold the attention of the potential audience to notice something. Red is the right color to use for businesses like food, entertainment, sports, health care and a lot more. Avoid choosing the red color if you sell luxury or natural products.


Yellow is the brightest color to showcase happiness, cheer, and optimism to the target audience. Yellow offers negative signs as well like cheapness. Make sure to use a bright yellow color to offer an energetic impression in the mind of people. If you want to create a sense of happiness then light yellow color is a perfect choice.

It is observed that yellow is used by web design service UK for call to action text and buttons. Thus, if you want to hold the attention of everyone then you must opt for yellow.


Orange is an energetic and vibrant color that represents heat, excitement, and enthusiasm. It is commonly used to show off caution. If you want to create a website that deals with e-commerce, automotive, technology, food or entertainment industry then you must prefer orange color.

Although orange is the color of creativity and freedom so you can use it in your website blog as well. Do remember to use orange color to stand out from the extensive list of competitors in a hassle-free way.


Green has a wide range of characteristics including growth, health, nature, wealth, money, fertility, peace, harmony, support, and energy. It is the perfect color for the peace of mind and relaxation. It’s great for website design that service tourism, health or environmental management. By using green you could easily showcase your eco-friendly relationship.

Never use green for luxury products and services as it is inappropriate. You can also acquire the assistance of web design service UK to learn more about color psychology.